The KiwiSDR is a network-connected 14-bit SDR built on a "cape" board attached to a BeagleBone embedded computer. The SDR supports 4 "channels" or sessions in the LF-HF (0.1 - 30 MHz) range and a 12-channel GNSS receiver for timing, frequency stability, and positioning.

Pointing a web browser at a local or internet-accessible KiwiSDR will start the OpenWebRx software. Chrome works well on Windows, Linux, and Android computing devices. Try my KiwiSDR in FN31vi.......

I use 16 dB of attenuation in front of my KiwiSDR to prevent ADC overload from strong AM broadcasters (night) and my collocated WSPR station.

Additional details can be found at the main KiwiSDR site.

A global directory of internet-accessible KiwiSDR receivers and the OpenWebRx web software can be found at

Additional KiwiSDR images from Google...